A former Midland mayor (1968-1973) and community leader.
Member of the city council for 15 years.
He served on several boards.
Julius Blasy was instrumental in constructing the ice rink (Midland Civic Arena).
From Owendale
Resident of Midland since 1936.
Married Louise, July 24, 1937
From colleagues:
“Working with Julius was always very easy because you could talk to him, and I always respected his honest approach.”
“It was fun working with Julius because we could disagree on an item, slug it out toe-to-toe, and stay friends.”.
Blasy received the Lloyd Osborn Memorial Award for “best combining the ideals of sports activity and community service.”
He coached Olympic-class skaters, including golf medalist Terry McDermott, and founded the Midland Speed Skating Club.
Mr. Blasy also was one of the founders of the Fraternal Little League and was active in the Big Brothers, Boy Scouts, and Elks.
Julius passed away on February 9, 1984, at 67 years old.