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Neil and Annmarie Hawkins
Next Door Photos Great Lakes Bay
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JR Borneman & Central Auditorium

Marshall M Fredericks Sculpture Museum

Midland Center for the Arts

Carol Rumba, Chiqeeta Jameson

Central A/V & Design

Camp 3 Woodworks

City of Midland

Thank you to our Creative Team!

Director: Laura Brigham

Assistant Director: JoAnn Pobocik

Stage Manager/Board Op: April Millward

Costume Designer: Olivia Greanias

Lead Scenic Artist: Jazz Benitez

Abbey Door Artist: Alexis Mray Bearinger

Courtesan Door Artist: Michelle Marcotte

Duke Solinus Door Artist: Kait Philp

Antipholus & Adriana Door Artist: Kaitlyn Challener

Set Builder: Jordan Walmsley & Camp 3 Woodworks

Props Master: Maranda Ginop

Stage Crew: Cullen Brigham, Alex Sonoras, & Shannon Sonoras


Act 1 Scene 1 – A hall in Duke Solinus’s palace

Act 1 Scene 2 – Near the mart

Act 2 Scene 1 – The home of Adriana & Antipholus of Ephesus

Act 2 Scene 2 – A public street

Act 3 Scene 1 – The gate outside the home of Adriana &

Antipholus of Ephesus

Act 3 Scene 2 – The home of Adriana & Antipholus of Ephesus

Act 4 Scene 1 – A public street

Act 4 Scene 2 – The home of Adriana & Antipholus of Ephesus

Act 4 Scene 3 – A public street

Act 4 Scene 4 – A public street

Act 5 Scene 1 – The street in front of the abbey


Intestine jars – internal conflicts

Cozenage – cheating

Tiring – hairdressing

Sirrah – term used in addressing inferiors

Chalky cliffs – teeth

Creeks – winding alleys

Wasting lamps – dimming eyes

Patch – fool, clown, rogue, knave, mome

Pate – head, skull

Horn-mad – furious, enraged, mistaken for Horn-maker –

cuckold maker

Mean – def 1: poor;

def 2: opportunity (“having so good a mean”)

Bark – ship, vessel

Dross – impure matter, rubbish

Stop in your wind – be quiet

Cosenage – trickery, deception

Mountebank – quack, charlatan

Lowreth – frown, scowl

Pate – head

Choleric – irritable, angry

Incorporate – united

Inspiration – supernatural powers or means

Grossly – openly

Sot– blockhead, idiot

Carcanet – jeweled necklace

Public Arts Midland and Creative 360 Bring Performing Arts to Grove Park

On Saturday, September 7th, Public Arts Midland and Creative 360 will bring the performing arts outside to all of Midland with the first ever Performance in the Park event. Local actors will bring the hilarious The Comedy of Errors to life in a whole new way, supported by the talents of a wide range of performing groups from the Great Lakes Bay Region.

The event will kick off at noon on Saturday, September 7th with the first of two performances of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedy, followed by the White Pines Celtic Bagpipers at 2:30 pm, a sword fighting demonstration by The Friction Theatre Company at 3:00 pm, a devised performance based on a modern Shakespeare by EVOC productions at 3:30 pm, and a presentation of Indian Dance with Sangeeta’s Dance & Music of India at 4:00 pm. Throughout the day a roaming juggler and a live woodworking demonstration will add to the fun. The second performance of The Comedy of Errors will start at 5 pm.

The catalyst for the event, which marks the first of many annual performances in the park, was a partnership between Public Arts Midland, an initiative of the Midland Area Community Foundation, and Creative 360, a local non-profit arts and wellness center. The Grove Park site was chosen for its central location and accessibility, particularly with the recent opening of the Changing Places fully accessible restroom facilities in the park.

“Our vision is to produce Shakespeare that is accessible to everyone, and we have a special twist to the original play that will definitely increase understanding and make you laugh,” said the show’s director, and Creative 360’s Performance Events Coordinator, Laura Brigham. “The Comedy of Errors is the perfect show for everyone. It is big and silly and filled with mistaken identities and physical comedy.”

The two performances of The Comedy of Errors are free of charge and will take place at Grove Park in Midland, MI on September 7th at 12pm and 5pm. All other groups will perform between 2:00-5:00. Please contact Creative 360 if you have any questions. Follow Public Arts Midland and Creative 360 on Facebook for updates.

About Public Arts Midland

Public Arts Midland is an initiative of the Midland Area Community Foundation and is a space to help people create connections through public art. We believe that art connects, heals, inspires, teaches, and speaks to us in myriad ways that build stronger and more vibrant communities. Public art gives our community a collective voice and a way to express our values while it brings awareness of and beauty to our city’s physical and cultural landscape. Visit to learn more and get involved.

About Creative 360

Creative 360 is a not-for-profit community arts and wellness organization founded in 1994. Its mission is to create environments that allow people of all ages and abilities to experience the creative process, and to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual wellness through the arts and humanities. The organization’s core values of inclusiveness, creativity, respect, and community drive the culture at Creative 360. Activities at Creative 360 are supported in part by the Michigan Arts and Culture Council, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Midland Area Community Foundation, and The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation. Visit for information about the offerings at Creative 360, or call (989) 837-1885 to request a mailed copy of the current schedule.

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