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The Midland Area Community Foundation tips the cap to all 2022 graduates and scholarship recipients. Over 330 scholarships were granted through the Community Foundation in 2022, totaling over $800k in award dollars. Granting scholarships wouldn’t be possible without our donors and scholarship reviewers. The impact of COVID-19 will be felt for years to come but we’re confident we’re in good hands as the youth of today become leaders of tomorrow.

Mayada Al-Ahmad Community Outreach Team (COT) Scholarship
Reem Al-Ahmad Bernie Meister Scholarship
Reem Al-Ahmad Louis “Bud” C. Rubens Scholarship
Maya Albright Turner Alfrey, Jr. Scholarship
Maya Albright Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Kylie Aldridge Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Kylie Aldridge James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for African American Students
Emelia Allen Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Emelia Allen Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Emma Allington Robert W. Cermak Engineering Scholarship
Emma Allington Richard E. Woodward Family Engineering Scholarship
Charles Aloff Dale Waller Memorial Scholarship
Brittany Ames MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Brittany Ames Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Grace Appold Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Employees’ Scholarship
Grace Araway Sarah Kowalski Memorial Scholarship
Alexis Arthur Jeanette House Memorial Scholarship
Lexi Aultman Loretta G. Lee Scholarship
Lexi Aultman Kirsten Beth Triebes Memorial Scholarship
Jamie Bacon Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Jamie Bacon John M Hoy/Arline Kroger Scholarship
Madalynn Bartlett Elloweese Denise Freer Scholarship
Madalynn Bartlett Sarah Kowalski Memorial Scholarship
Carly Benford Stephen E. Gorman Memorial Scholarship
Carly Benford John and Bev Schwartz Scholarship
Matthew Benkert Kent S. Dennis Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Berg Gerhard & Ruth Gettel Scholarship
Daniel Berg Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Bailey Bills Phyllis N. Pankratz Music Education Scholarship
Noah Black Gerhard & Ruth Gettel Scholarship
Sydney Borsenik American Association of University Women-‘Graduating Senior Women’ Scholarship
Sydney Borsenik Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Anna Bradford David Grosberg Memorial Scholarship
Lauren Bradford Jim Malek Central Michigan University STEM Scholarship
Seth Bradford John and Bev Schwartz Scholarship
Anna Bradford Eugene C. & Mildred G. Yehle Scholarship
Wilson Bragg Northwood University Scholarship
Benjamin Brenner Duane E. and Barbara J. Bremer Scholarship
Alexandria Bressette Gerhard & Ruth Gettel Scholarship
Alexandria Bressette Nancy Pollack Memorial Scholarship
Haden Brick Tom Gilstad Bullock Creek Scholarship
Jaime Brooks Stuart Miller Memorial Scholarship
Jaime Brooks Beverly Milner Veterinary Science Scholarship
Aubrey Brown Ashley Sue Adan Memorial Scholarship Fund for Special Education
Aubrey Brown Elder/Civitan Scholarship
Sydney Bryant Sharon Brady Michigan Technological University Alpha Delta Alpha Sorority Scholarship
Arielle Buckley Gwendolyn M. Bagley Scholarship
Arielle Buckley Jane Catherine Rubens Memorial Scholarship
Sofia Burdo James Hohmeyer Scholarship
Lauren Burgard Gerhard & Ruth Gettel Scholarship
Maddison Burk Community Outreach Team (COT) Scholarship
Ana Butkiewicz Falender Family Meridian High School Scholarship
Ana Butkiewicz Matthew Shephard Scholarship
Konner Carbeno Corporal Casey P. Zylman Memorial Scholarship
Morgan Carn Donald R. Weyenberg Memorial Scholarship
Joshua Chae Irene T. Takahashi Memorial Scholarship
Boyd Chambers Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Austin Chapin Hornsby Aviation Education Scholarship
Ashley Chase Steven and Kathleen Dolan Scholarship
Ashley Chase Robert B. Reinhart and Jean W. Reinhart Scholarship
Jacky Cheng Connie Keicher Memorial Scholarship
Caden Clement Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Brooke Cochran Sharon F. Kalina Scholarship for Special Services Graduates
Alyssa Coventry J. Cecil & Clara DeRemer Memorial Scholarship
Jayna Crosby Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Employees’ Scholarship
Tanis Davis Phyllis N. Pankratz Music Education Scholarship
Kylee Davis Larry C. Smith Family Scholarship
AnnaMarie DeBolt Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Adeline Doyle Christian T. and Margaret R. Goralski Scholarship
Adeline Doyle Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Jacob Eggerd Lawrence G. and Eleanor Matthews Scholarship
Jacob Eggerd Meridian Scholarship
Maya El Hajj Dr. Shailer L. Bass Memorial Scholarship
Whitney Ellison Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Whitney Ellison Eugene C. & Mildred G. Yehle Scholarship
Whitney Ellison Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Jordan Ensz Michigan Blood – Ernie Wallace and Howard Ode Memorial Scholarship
Jordan Ensz Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Dilynn Everitt Beverly Milner Math Scholarship
Mallory Fenskie Pat Bywater Memorial Scholarship
Mallory Fenskie Ira George and Virginia Z. Morrison Scholarship
Corbin Fleming-Dittenber Bob G. Caldwell Memorial Engineering Scholarship
Corbin Fleming-Dittenber Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Emma Fransen Laurence C. and Janet Glover Lang Scholarship
Emma Fransen Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Allison Fritz Janet M. Dean Opera Cum Laude Scholarship
Kayla Funk Meridian Scholarship
Kayla Funk Midland Believes Scholarship
Rebecca Gamble American Association of University Women-‘Women in Transition” Scholarship’
Rebecca Gamble Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Brent Gasser MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Brent Gasser Judge James E. “Pinky” Wilson Scholarship
Sofia Gestiada Gwendolyn M. Bagley Scholarship
Sofia Gestiada Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Gabe Gransden Oscar Hahn Construction Trades Scholarship
Gabe Gransden Beverly Milner Trades Scholarship
Madison Greene Elloweese Denise Freer Scholarship
Madison Greene MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Jennifer Grinwis Weyant M. Pangborn Memorial Scholarship
Shane Gross Robert W. Cermak Engineering Scholarship
Parker Grzegorczyk Michael F. Freeland Memorial Scholarship
Etta Haggart Coleman Community Schools Scholastic Award & Forsberg  Scholarship
Noah Haines Noah Elliott Cummings Memorial Scholarship
Noah Haines Hornsby Aviation Education Scholarship
Bianca Haley Albert T. & Margaret H. Maasberg Scholarship
Bianca Haley West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
Olyviah Hanson Sue “Dominowski” Schindler Scholarship
Brady Havens Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Brady Havens Albert T. & Margaret H. Maasberg Scholarship
Kylie Herkel John C. Eckhold III Scholarship
Kylie Herkel Ken and Irma Wildes Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Gloria Heye Dorothy J. Baker Memorial Scholarship
Gloria Heye O. James Clark Scholarship
Haley Hill H. Floyd Andrick Scholarship
John Hine Walter & Therese Cepela Scholarship
John Hine Ray & Flora Hart Scholarship
Samuel Hine Bruce Lange Memorial Scholarship
Carin Hoevemeyer Ernest R. & Martha E. Britton Memorial Scholarship
Carin Hoevemeyer Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Ashley Hoffman Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Joshua Hofmeister Roger Asiala Scholarship
Joshua Hofmeister Peele Family Memorial Scholarship
Alayna Houghten Midland Believes Scholarship
Alayna Houghten West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
William Houghten West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
Ethan Houk Jim Malek Scholarship
Taylor Howard Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Alysia Hoyt Horizon Bank Business Scholarship
Alysia Hoyt West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
Taylor Huschke Parke and Nancy Brown Scholarship
Kadin Jacobs Oscar Hahn Construction Trades Scholarship
Kadin Jacobs F.L. (Larry) and Christine Mieras Memorial Scholarship
Haley Jaster Pendell Family Scholarship
Rebecca Jean Marcia and Wendell Dilling Agriculture and Chemistry Scholarship
Therese Joffre Midland Section American Chemical Society Scholarship
Madeline Johnson Ray & Flora Hart Scholarship
Luca Jolly Joe and Ethel Simek Memorial Scholarship
Alexander Kaminski Gustav Dan Hobohm Merrill’s Marauders Scholarship
Kelly Keene Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Kelly Keene Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Tessa Kent Dorothy J. Baker Memorial Scholarship
Desiree Killey Jay Weaver Scholarship
Morgan King American Association of University Women-‘Technical/Trade School’ Scholarship
Hannah Klaffer Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Ty Klopf Coleman Community Schools Scholastic Award & Forsberg  Scholarship
Ty Klopf Pendell Family Scholarship
Trinity Kolka Bob Cole Track & Field and Cross Country Memorial Scholarship
Trinity Kolka Meridian Scholarship
Daniel Kowalczyk Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Emily Krchmar Robert and Mary Lou (Krchmar) Ames Scholarship
Emily Krchmar Lucas Hammar Memorial Scholarship
Peyton Laughner Pendell Family Scholarship
Raegan Lauinger James Ayre Memorial Scholarship
Raegan Lauinger Pendell Family Scholarship
Mackenzie Lovelace Barbara and Timothy Burdon Memorial Educational Scholarship
Emma Lovelace Marty and Jan McGuire Scholarship
Emma Lovelace John and Bev Schwartz Scholarship
Kayla Manley Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Kayla Manley Michael & Janet Leslie Memorial Youth Scholarship
Emma Massey James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for Native American Students
Emma Massey Maxwell Robert Muessig & Lynne Dion Morrison Scholarship
Gabrielle Matuszewski John C. Eckhold III Scholarship
Gabrielle Matuszewski Lyle & Delbert Pevitt Memorial Scholarship
Savannah Matuszewski Judge James E. “Pinky” Wilson Scholarship
Jacob May Freda & George Hittel Scholarship
Jacob May Robert B. Reinhart and Jean W. Reinhart Scholarship
Natalie Mayfield John A. Trumbell Memorial Scholarship
Bailey McCoy Coleman Community Schools Scholastic Award & Forsberg  Scholarship
Bronwyn McCoy Elena Oreffice Memorial Scholarship
Bronwyn McCoy Stephen D. Redman, M.D. Memorial Scholarship
Colin McGraw Crystal Graham Memorial Scholarship
Colin McGraw MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Taylor McGuirk Deborah Lynn Hawkins Special Educator Scholarship
Lauren McGuirk Grace Yu-Sheng Lo Memorial Scholarship
Taylor McGuirk Midland Lions Club Roger Maier Scholarship
Kiera McKimmy Larry C. Smith Family Scholarship
Aidan McLaughlin J. Cecil & Clara DeRemer Memorial Scholarship
Aidan McLaughlin Faith Scholarship
Mitchell McMath Ernest R. & Martha E. Britton Memorial Scholarship
Mitchell McMath William H. Schuette Memorial Scholarship
Ethan Meehle Jim Malek Saginaw Valley State University STEM Scholarship
Elia Meekhoff Sarah Keishian Dergazarian Vocal Music Education Scholarship
Elia Meekhoff Gwendolyn Bennett Pike Vocal Music Scholarship
Ian Metzler Brent L. Romain Scholarship
Holly Middleton Risha and Julius (Jay) Grosberg Scholarship
Holly Middleton Mary McDonough Memorial Scholarship
Aidan Moneypenny Esther Schuette Gerstacker Hiram College Scholarship
Emily Montgomery American Association of University Women-‘Women in Transition’ Scholarship
Emily Montgomery Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Madilyn Moore Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Katelynne Morse W. Herman Gieseler Scholarship
Katelynne Morse Midland Area Community Foundation FOUNDERS’ Scholarship
Ella Moses Jan LaCroix Memorial Scholarship
Ella Moses Lesh Legacy through Leadership Bullock Creek Scholarship
Renee Mulvaney James T. Brooks Memorial Arts Scholarship
Taylor Murdick Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Taylor Murdick Midland Believes Scholarship
Taylor Murdick West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
Jack Murphy Laur Family Scholarship
Jack Murphy Lawrence G. and Eleanor Matthews Scholarship
Gabriel Mutai Laurence C. and Janet Glover Lang Scholarship
Gabriel Mutai Meridian Scholarship
Katelyn Myers Big Brothers Big Sisters Education Scholrship
Katelyn Myers Christina J. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Fund
Thomas Neuenfeldt Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Thomas Neuenfeldt Glenn R. Garrison Scholarship
Miranda Noel Stanford H. Rowe Music Scholarship
Damaris Norris Phyllis N. Pankratz Music Education Scholarship
Connor Oard Jim Malek Delta College STEM Scholarship
Connor Oard John W. and Joan W. Ryan Scholarship
Hannah Ordiway Carey Family Memorial Scholarship
Toluwani Oshin James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for African American Students
Jack Owens Oscar Hahn Construction Trades Scholarship
Zoey Pagtalunan Claxton and Mildred Helms Scholarship
Paysen Pecic George E. Olson Memorial Scholarship
River Penn Brent L. Romain Scholarship
Arianna Perez Elena Oreffice Memorial Scholarship
Ian Peters James Hohmeyer Scholarship
Jack Piper Laur Family Scholarship
Mackayla Pirie Robert F. and Irene W. Fleming Scholarship
Mackayla Pirie Midland Section American Chemical Society Scholarship
Trey Plichta Dr. Albert A. and Caroline Gunkler Scholarship
Dane Plichta Home Builders Association of Midland Scholarship
Dane Plichta Midland Area Community Foundation FOUNDERS’ Scholarship
Trey Plichta Rupprecht Family Scholarship
Colin Powers Ernesto and Virginia Mendoza Scholarship
Colin Powers Eric B. Schaper Scholarship Fund
Kiana Prany American Association of University Women-‘Graduating Senior Women’ Scholarship
Kiana Prany Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Madeline Pretzer Robert E. and Beverly V. Erickson Scholarship
Madeline Pretzer MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Breanna Prince Midland Believes Scholarship
Caleb Qiu Great Lakes Safety Training Center Scholarship
Erin Quinn Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Erin Quinn Don Irish Memorial Scholarship
Milena Reale Alan D. Groom Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Reder Pendell Family Scholarship
Hannah Redman Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Maggie Reed J. Cecil & Clara DeRemer Memorial Scholarship
Maggie Reed Gwendolyn Bennett Pike Vocal Music Scholarship
Cristina Reger John Mullally Family Scholarship
Piper Reid Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Piper Reid Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship
Clarissa Reinhardt Larry C. Smith Family Scholarship
Abigail Rey Parke and Nancy Brown Scholarship
Cody Ridder Phyllis N. Pankratz Music Education Scholarship
Kevin Riselay Horizon Bank Business Scholarship
Nickolus Rudy Richard and E. Mair Alsgaard Scholarship
Evelyn Sagrero Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Evelyn Sagrero Howard G. Swift III Memorial Scholarship
Nolan Sanders Pete and Patt Marsh Scholarship
Makena Saylor Midland Believes Scholarship
Conner Schrank Oscar Hahn Construction Trades Scholarship
Elaiyna Schwartzkopf Beverly Milner Music Scholarship
Bryanna Secor James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for Native American Students
Carlie Servinski Rogers Jennings Memorial Scholarship
Madylin Sherman Sue McKinley and Alan Williams Scholarship
Madylin Sherman Robert B. Reinhart and Jean W. Reinhart Scholarship
Gretchen Shope Phyllis N. Pankratz Music Education Scholarship
Charlee Simanskey Pendell Family Scholarship
Morgan Simons Bullock Creek Alumni Memorial Scholarship
Morgan Simons Colice Pearcy Malek Scholarship
Morgan Simons Alice B. and Earl E. Ziegler Scholarship
Alex Sinclair Horizon Bank Business Scholarship
Alex Sinclair Robert B. Reinhart and Jean W. Reinhart Scholarship
Jolynn Slabic Gwendolyn M. Bagley Scholarship
Jaylynn Slabic Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Jaylynn Slabic Horizon Bank Business Scholarship
Jolynn Slabic Ken and Irma Wildes Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Kelli Smith Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Lyndi Smith Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Kelli Smith Susan Olney Cozat Scholarship
Lyndi Smith Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship
Andrew Soto Brent L. Romain Scholarship
Emmirsyn Stacy Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Emmirsyn Stacy Meridian Scholarship
Kerstin Stadtfeld W. Herman Gieseler Scholarship for Chippewa Hills High School
Halle Stanick Tom Holder “Keep Your Beak Down” Golf Scholarship
Cal Stearns Jenifer Turner Sisco Memorial Scholarship
Nahomie Stevens James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for African American Students
Micah Stinson Annis Closs Horden Memorial Scholarship
Micah Stinson MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Nathan Streitmatter Taylor University Scholarship
Tess Striebel Della Keyworth Scholarship
Tess Striebel Edith Irene (Stinchombe) Gieseler Scholarship
Eileen Surbrook Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship
Eileen Surbrook Mary McDonough Memorial Scholarship
Allison Sutton Robert and Barbara Stoppert Scholarship
Emma Swantek Pat Bywater Memorial Scholarship
Emma Swantek Sheriff John S. Reder Scholarship
Alyssa Swanton Meridian Scholarship
Nina Swier Pamela J. Rowe Music Scholarship
Karlee Szafranski Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Karlee Szafranski Barbara and Timothy Burdon Memorial Educational Scholarship
Sarah Taylor Dr. Shailer L. Bass Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Taylor Eugene B. Skeebo Scholarship
Shane Templeman Coleman Community Schools Scholastic Award & Forsberg  Scholarship
Sadie Thomas Alpha Kappa Alpha/MAO (Mu Alpha Omega Chapter) Scholarship
Julianna Thompson Ralph & Faye Prescott Memorial Scholarship
Julianna Thompson Cristoforo and Alma Zuliana Memorial Scholarship
Parker Thorson Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Ellyana Tierney Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship
Ellyana Tierney Gerhard & Ruth Gettel Scholarship
Rachel Tilmann Reed Phillips Memorial Scholarship
Taylor Todd Herbert D. Doan Memorial Scholarship
Taylor Todd MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Yuki Togashi Miriam Pillos Memorial Scholarship
Semaj Torain Esther Schuette Gerstacker Junior Achievement Scholarship
Semaj Torain Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Scholarship
Stacey Ugartechea MyMichigan Health Midland Volunteer Scholarship
Stacey Ugartechea Sadie Wolf Memorial Scholarship
Emmah Valdez Midland Believes Scholarship
Aerial VanAlstine Bullock Creek Area Business Association Scholarship
Margaret VanSickle Thomas L. Staples Scholarship
Margaret VanSickle West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship
Taryn Vielma Robert Neal Hieb Scholarship
Taryn Vielma Jim Malek Michigan State University Scholarship
Brooke Ward Elder/Civitan Scholarship
Aidan Wardell Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship
Kirsten Warren Harold and Francine Heinze Scholarship
Chloe Welch Esther Schuette Gerstacker Hiram College Scholarship
Chloe Welch Ken and Irma Wildes Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Austin Whitmore Larry C. Smith Family Scholarship
Alicia N. Wiggins Midland Believes Scholarship
Jolie Wing J. Cecil & Clara DeRemer Memorial Scholarship
Jolie Wing Willard H. & Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Winkler Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship
Hannah Woehrle Jeannette Brandt Memorial Scholarship
Jack Wolfe Virginia A. (Nicholson) Dent Scholarship
Adam Wolok Dyste Family Scholarship
Brehanna Wontorcik Weyant M. Pangborn Memorial Scholarship
Abigail Yoo Doctors Dale and Lisa Davis Scholarship
Abigail Yoo Steve Marsh/Terry Stanton Scholarship
Allie Young Horizon Bank Business Scholarship
MacKenzie Zdrojewski Rick Foley Scholarship
MacKenzie Zdrojewski Betty Thompson-Shuler Scholarship Fund
Anthony Zeitler Dorothy J. Baker Memorial Scholarship
Anthony Zeitler James F. and Mary R. Hopfensperger Art Scholarship
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