
By donating to the Community Foundation, you’re ensuring that Midland remains a vibrant place to live and work today and in the future. Thank you so much for your support – we wouldn’t be who we are without you!

With your donation, you become a member of the Community Foundation. Being a member allows you to have voting privileges at our Annual Meeting and serve on boards and committees that require membership as a precursor for service.

Our online donation page accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, and American Express. If you’d like to contribute via check, please send all checks directly to Midland Area Community Foundation with a memo about which fund you’d like to contribute to.

If you are interested in contributing to the Midland Area Community Foundation through a gift of stock, mutual funds, or ETFs, please contact us at

Fill out the form below to note which fund you’d wish to contribute to.

Please click here if you’d like to donate to the Gladwin County Community Foundation.

Please click here if you’d like to contribute to the Clare County Community Foundation. 

Search all funds here


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Donation Total: $10.00 One Time