Freda and George Hittel Scholarship Fund #00276
To provide an annual scholarship to encourage a student who has completed two years of college studies to continue in a degree program.
From the fundholder:
Freda and George’s lives were a constant demonstration of their belief in strong families and a healthy, nurturing community. George and Freda were active members of the First United Methodist Church, holding many offices and sponsoring the youth group. George, with the encouragement and support of Freda, was active with the Boy Scouts of America for many years. As Troop leader with Post 61 he led many camping trips and taught youth preparing for canoeing merit badges. George worked with the community through the Midland Kiwanis Club and held a special interest in Camp Neyati, a lake front camp for children. He was a long time participating member of The Dow Symphony Orchestra. In many quiet ways George and Freda demonstrated their social concerns and civic responsibilities. The Freda A. and George T. Hittel Scholarship is another way in which they continue their tradition of helping young people. They established this scholarship to recognize and assist students who have demonstrated civic responsibility and good scholarship and who are trying to overcome financial difficulties while completing their baccalaureate degrees.